Quick Tip: Stuck? Do something else.
How many times have we faced the abyss searching for the ever-elusive answer only to come up empty? At one time or another we all face the blank canvas, the missing ingredient, the code fragment which solves the program, the struggle to begin, or the final touch bringing it all to conclusion. It’s at this pivotal point, I say: Quit. Quit what you’re doing and recognize the answer is not going to come today. Put it down. Then, do something, anything else. Do something as far from the project you were just on and break for a while. It’s here where something magical happens. In the face of a puzzle, I believe the brain never stops working on a solution, always searching for the word that’s on the tip of your tongue or the perfect comeback to the put-down you received hours ago. In doing something different, your mind becomes even more open to inspiration, often drawing from the fields of your new current activity. Be mindful of the inspired spark when it comes, because it will come, often when you least expect it. This relaxation technique, taking the mind outdoors and on a proverbial vacation, is often all you need to return refreshed to a project leaving you confounded or frustrated.
We need pie…My grand daddy always said, if you got problems that you can’t solve, helps to get out of your head. Pie, it’s good.
Men in black 3, Young Kay