Brand New Days Ahead

March 20, 2022

Well, I finally did it and gave the website a complete makeover. Having completely overhauled my gear, and pairing myself with an incredibly functional, versatile bridge camera, my photography has awakened to a bright new day, full of possibilities. I wanted a place of my own, a place that wasn’t Instagram, where I could showcase and categorize my work, without unnecessary chatter. Counterintuitively, when I found areas where i wanted my work to speak for itself, I found other areas where I wanted a voice: to talk about things in my head, photography things to be sure, but not always. I recognize I’m an incredibly harsh critic, when it comes to sharing. I’m constantly thinking, “does that sound dumb, am I repeating myself, surely others have said that better”, until finally I set the whole thing on fire and hope no one saw what I did. This is an attempt to put myself out into the world, and letting the proverbial warts show.

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